I thank Jesus, in spite of my hectic schedule at work, He sent souls to our office here in the Philippines using my small part time earning business, my two regular customers, a brother and sister biological means, they both accepted Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior and Lord. How awesome the presence of the Holy Spirit working through people in a way they were about they ask my service for them needed for studies.I posted some photos here the two young people that never hesitate and wholeheartedly giving their hearts accepting Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior and Lord of their life. It was Sunday afternoon, December 2, 2012, at around 3 pm, that I suppose to go to attend afternoon worship service but the Holy Spirit speak to my heart to give time to talk to this two young people to share the grace of salvation and have the assurance, explaining to them that the salvation and having a genuine relationship to our Lord Jesus Christ is the most important and plan of GOD to us as He created us to be His children and having a Father in Heaven that prepare us to have eternal life. I have an overwhelming joy in my heart, two souls to offer and its a priceless way we can give to HIM, from the cross of Calvary that was shed for us to paid for our sins. PRAISE JESUS and the presence of the Holy Spirit that works through us that love HIM. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!
Last December 4, 2012 while am busy at work, there are two young men came to our office here in SFC - Philippines. They were the students from Baliuag Polytechnic College of Bulacan Province. These two are looking for a place where they could able to finished working on the job training program which are required and also part of their curriculum as Computer Technician Course. Their name is Mario Lomocio and Michael Rivera, both are in Second year course attending same subject and school. They proposed to me if they can able to get the on the job training prgram whicch required 300 hours to finished this 2nd semester on their second year college level. I explained to them that this small computer and printing solution shop business are not only for just secular thing. We focus on soul winning , a ministry , sharing the gospel, the living word of GOD to people and Discipleship training program online for free. These both go together and are partner in able to support the Ministry work for the Lord. And this is a non-profit organization that are just start-up three months, that was last month of October 2012. This ministry is to gather souls for HIM, , After finishing my job to the last customer that time . It was December 4, 2012 when I interviewed them about their purpose and proposal. I told them if they were sincere and understood the kind of work in this new small printing shop connected with the Souls For Christ Ministry, I told them, they should come back after the next day, that was Thursday, December 6, 2012. On that said date, they came back and they were sincere and serious about the OJT and the word of GOD that I told them that I am going to discuss and share. It was the Holy Spirit that leads me to speak to them about the salvation for soul. As I begin , His presence begin to work in our hearts, me as I ask to serve HIM and share to this two young men, Mario and Michael. I share them about the salvation for soul and having to received the gift of eternal life in Heaven. As I continue I also share about the wisdom and blessings comes from our Lord Jesus when we freely give our life and 100% surrender everything and about to ask through prayer the request made known to HIM. His word are life and a living water to our souls. Jesus is real and a living GOD. It's so wonderful and awesome feeling,and an overflowing joy that another souls surrender their self and accept Jesus as their own personal Savior and LORD like we do , we christian . It's another great blessings to us to feel the joy and knowing how the people draw themselves to our almighty GOD and Savior none other than Jesus Christ. What a mighty GOD we serve, HE is GREAT and VICTORIOUS, AMEN!!!
What a Great Blessings for me that I join and witness many souls from neighbors of Calvary Chapel - Bustos, Bulacan that attended the women's fellowship and conference last December 1, 2012. Sister Arcelie, a dear friend invited me and I listen to the conference/ seminar teaching. This photo taken inside the church of Calvary Chapel - Bustos.
